How to Find a Book Publisher: A Quick Guide for Aspiring Authors
If you're here, chances are you're ready to take the next step toward publishing your book. First of all, congratulations—getting to this stage is a big deal! Finding the right book publisher can feel like an overwhelming process, but with a little know-how and a plan, you’ll be better equipped to navigate this journey. Let’s break it all down, starting with what it means to find a publisher and the different routes available to you.
Amazon KDP: The Price of Convenience in Modern Publishing
Explore how Amazon's dominance affects pricing, discoverability, and the literary culture, and learn about alternative self-publishing services that align with your creative vision. Is self-publishing on Amazon truly the best option for your book? Dive into the nuances and make an informed decision for your publishing journey.
What Ways Can You Publish a Book?
The two primary ways to publish a book are self-publishing and traditional publishing, but choosing between the two can be a daunting decision for aspiring authors, each path carrying its own allure. There’s also a third option growing in popularity in recent years, known as hybrid publishing.
Why Publishing Knowledge is Crucial for Your Success as an Author
Learn how knowledge of publishing processes, industry terminology, and self-advocacy can help you avoid pitfalls and build confidence as an author. Plus, get our free guide to publishing lingo.