Five Places to Buy Books Online That Are Not Amazon
When you buy books from Amazon, you’re supporting a monopoly that’s fundamentally altering the book industry, hurting both readers and authors. Jeff Bezos’s empire controls what books get seen, how they’re priced, and even how authors can reach their audience.
Thankfully, there are alternative ways to buy books that support independent bookstores, authors, and creators—places where every purchase helps create a more equitable, free, and open industry. The power is in your hands to change the literary landscape and ensure that the stories we read reflect the true diversity of our world.
Why Avoid Amazon for Book Shopping
Amazon’s algorithms dictate what gets visibility, pushing small, independent authors to the back while flooding the market with mass-produced content designed to generate the highest profits. This “business practice” is creating a cultural shift that’s changing what stories get told and who gets to tell them. As a result, the literary world is becoming more homogenous, and the diversity of voices and stories that should thrive gets drowned out by Amazon’s bottom line.
In our current world, where censorship and control over what we read and say are increasingly being pushed, it’s crucial to consider the impact of our choices—where we spend our money, who we support, and what values we’re backing. When you buy from Amazon, you’re supporting a company that, beyond its monopoly, also exerts immense influence over global markets and public discourse. As issues like book bans and media control rise, it's more important than ever to back businesses that promote diversity, independence, and freedom of expression.
You don’t have to play Amazon’s game. The following are some alternatives for you. Support Independent Bookstores was created to offer a way for readers to shop for books online while supporting local bookstores. Unlike Amazon, which dominates the market, ensures that independent bookstores receive a majority share of the profits (80%), helping to keep the literary ecosystem diverse and thriving. On their website, they note: “It is written in our governance documents that we will never sell the company to Amazon or any major U.S. retailer.”
As a B Corp™ certified company, upholds high standards for social and environmental responsibility, supporting the community and keeping local bookstores alive in an increasingly digital world. Since its launch in 2020, the platform has grown rapidly, raising over 35 million dollars for indie bookshops.
The shopping process is also super easy. You just pick an independent bookstore you want to shop with, buy your books, and will send your order directly to you—just like any other retail site. If you decide not to pick a specific bookstore, your purchase goes into a “profit sharing pool” to support all the stores in their network.
*Photo taken from Literacy and Sustainability
Better World Books is an online platform where customers can purchase new and used books while supporting global literacy and environmental efforts. With every book sold, Better World Books donates a portion to literacy initiatives and has donated over 38 million books to non-profit organizations. They also fundraise for libraries and educational nonprofits, offering grants to support literacy projects around the world.
In addition to donating books, Better World Books is committed to sustainability, ensuring books are reused, recycled, and never thrown away. They are also a B Corp™ certified organization, which reflects their dedication to creating positive impact through literacy and environmental programs. Their site notes that they’ve recycled over 475 million books and are working to minimize their environmental impact through various initiatives, including carbon offset programs and recyclable packaging. I love this for them (and us all).
*Photo taken from Affordable and Eco-Friendly Reads
ThriftBooks is the largest independent online retailer of used books, focusing on sustainability by repurposing books and partnering with libraries to give old books a second life while supporting communities. They also have a loyalty program, where customers earn rewards for purchases. Since its inception, ThriftBooks has purchased books from charities, allowing them to apply the funds towards programs that give back, contributing more than $100 million to charity partners over the past decade. They also work to minimize their environmental impact by recycling millions of pounds of books annually, saving trees, water, and electricity, and reducing air pollution. They also with nonprofits to provide books to underserved communities, such as Title I schools, prison libraries, and international literacy programs.
My one issue is that ThriftBooks does sell its books on Amazon and other commerce sites. While purchasing directly from their website doesn’t contribute to Amazon, it’s worth noting for those who want to avoid supporting the larger corporate giants. Still, ThriftBooks is a fantastic resource for finding “less popular” titles and making a positive impact with every purchase. Discount Books and Literacy Support
Book Outlet makes book buying easy and affordable by offering at least 50% off list prices on all books. With titles sourced from special buys, excess inventory, and store returns, they pass the savings on to you. The company focuses on supporting communities through donations and contributions to literacy and education programs, impacting people locally and globally. Their efforts to support organizations and individuals dedicated to spreading knowledge are a key part of their mission. You can see a full list of their contributions on their website.
Their rewards program allows you to earn points by creating an account, making purchases, referring friends, and engaging with the brand on social media. Once you accumulate enough points, you can redeem them for discounts on future purchases.
Libro.FM: Audiobooks That Support Local Stores is an audiobook platform that allows customers to support local, independent bookstores with every purchase. Founded in 2014, the company partners with over 3,000 bookstores worldwide, sharing profits from audiobook sales with the stores chosen by users. As an employee-owned Social Purpose Corporation, is dedicated to supporting small businesses, amplifying diverse voices, combating book bans, and prioritizing integrity in its work. With a commitment to social good, they offer a platform where users can buy audiobooks and help keep money within local economies.
They also offer DRM-free audiobooks, so you can listen to them anytime, anywhere, on any device, without restrictions. Unlike other platforms, values paying fair rates to publishers and working to make a positive impact. It’s a simple and powerful alternative to Audible.
Want to learn more about Amazon’s control over book culture? Read Amazon KDP: The Price of Convenience in Modern Publishing. This blog takes a deep dive into the promises and pitfalls of publishing through Amazon KDP. While it’s often seen as the easiest path for indie authors, it comes with trade-offs that impact the broader literary landscape, from creative control to market equity. We explore how Amazon’s dominance affects authors, readers, and the value of literature itself, helping you decide if it’s truly the right fit for your publishing journey.
Our Galaxy Publishing is an educational and service-based platform that helps writers navigate the publishing industry with clarity, confidence, and creative control. Whether you’re self-publishing, seeking a literary agent, or still figuring out W T F you’re doing, we provide the tools, resources, and support to make your writing and publishing journey intentional, strategic, and powerful.