Using Intuition and Authenticity to Inspire Creativity: Meet Angelina Young

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Angelina Young’s story unfurls like the dreamscapes she draws inspiration from—a blend of intuition, courage, and a deep connection to the unknown. Her journey as a writer and creative spirit is a testament to the power of embracing one’s inner voice, even when it feels like the world demands otherwise. Growing up in the vibrant mix of the California Bay Area, Angelina’s German and Mexican roots offered her a rich cultural foundation, one that shaped her perspective and infused her art with a sense of duality—grounded yet otherworldly.

In a moment of personal chaos, when life felt like it was spinning out of control, Angelina turned inward. She describes it as a time when everything felt scattered, when her sense of self seemed to be slipping away. And then, her dreams began to speak. They reminded her that she had something important to share, nudging her toward the stacks of journals and pages filled with poetry and thoughts. It was a wake-up call she couldn’t ignore.

“Why am I keeping all of this to myself? What on Earth am I waiting for? There was no more time to waste—it was time to do, be, and become.”

This realization became the turning point in her creative life. She built a website, shared her work, and began to live more authentically, allowing her art and her voice to take up space in the world. Her dreams had always been a compass, guiding her toward deeper truths, and now, they were pointing her toward a path she hadn’t fully embraced before.

Angelina’s writing is deeply personal, shaped by her belief in the beauty of the unknown and the profound insights it holds. She hopes her words inspire readers to question the world around them, to see life through a lens of curiosity and wonder. Her work is an invitation—a call to awaken the dreamer within.

“I want to awaken the dreamer within, sparking creativity and inviting people to trust their intuition as they break free from the cycles and fears that hold them back.”

For Angelina, writing is more than a creative outlet; it is a lifeline, a way to make sense of the swirling thoughts and emotions that often feel too big for the confines of conversation. She sees writing as a partnership between paper and soul, where her truest self can emerge unfiltered.

“My soul is etched into my words. It’s funny that I have a podcast because sometimes my mouth can’t keep up with my words the same way paper can. The paper makes sure I don’t forget the points I’m meant to get across while my voice is raw.”

female mexican poets women writers german american our galaxy publishing

This authenticity is at the heart of her approach to creativity. Angelina refuses to let societal expectations or the fear of judgment dictate her art. She speaks of the pressures artists face—the temptation to conform, to edit their truth until it fits a mold—but she rejects these constraints.

“If we feel the need to limit or silence ourselves to be liked, do those people really like us? Whatever lights you up is where you’ll find your authentic self—begin there!”

Her philosophy on creative blocks reflects this perspective. Angelina doesn’t see them as barriers but as natural periods of rest and renewal. She embraces the rhythms of nature, trusting that every season has its purpose.

“Rest is essential in a society that prioritizes output over quality. We are a part of nature, and nature has seasons, just as the moon has phases. To refuel, we must take breaks, or we risk burnout and losing the love we once had for what we do.”

This wisdom has become a cornerstone of her work, not only in her writing but also in the way she shares her insights through her podcast, Journey Through the Dreamscape. Her voice reaches beyond the page, encouraging listeners to explore the mysteries of the subconscious and trust the messages their dreams bring. Each episode is a reminder that our inner worlds hold answers we often overlook.

Angelina’s journey is not without its challenges. Like many artists, she has faced moments of self-doubt, of questioning whether her voice matters. But she has learned to quiet those doubts by focusing on the unique piece of the puzzle that only she can contribute.

“We each contribute to the world in our own way, and limiting our creativity doesn’t serve the collective. You weren’t put here to be silent—you’re another piece of this giant puzzle, and all our voices matter.”

When asked what advice she would give to her younger self—the one who first dreamed of being a writer—Angelina’s response is simple yet profound. It encapsulates the journey she has been on, the lessons she has learned, and the passion that continues to drive her forward.

“Wait until you see where this journey will take you. Everything you need is within you. That spark in your chest is what compels you, what drives you; follow it with no question.”

Angelina Young’s story is about listening to the quiet whispers of intuition, honoring the experiences that shape us, and daring to share our truth with the world. Through her dreams, her words, and her unwavering commitment to authenticity, Angelina invites us all to step into our own magic and embrace the beauty of the journey, wherever it may lead.

female mexican poets women writers german american our galaxy publishing

About Angelina Young: 

Angelina Young (@journeythroughthedreamscape) is a writer and designer who blends her passion for dreams and creativity into everything she creates. Growing up in the California Bay Area, she lovingly embraces her German and Mexican roots. Her writing, whether poetry, blogs, or her podcast Journey Through the Dreamscape, draws inspiration from the mystical and magical realm of dreams, which she believes offers profound insights for self-discovery. As a designer, Angelina brings this same sense of intuition and wonder to her work, crafting pieces that feel personal, soulful, and unique. She’s also a maker at heart, pouring her love for storytelling into handmade creations like dream journals and poetry prints. Through her words and designs, Angelina invites others to explore their own inner magic, uncover creativity,  and embrace the beauty of dreams.

About Journey Through the Dreamscape: 

Journey Through the Dreamscape is a podcast that dives deep into the world of dreams, intuition, and the magic within. Hosted by Angelina Young, each episode explores the insights our dreams offer and how they connect us to our inner selves. The podcast features thought-provoking interviews with guests who share their own dream journeys, as well as solo episodes where Angelina reflects on dream interpretation, personal experiences, and spiritual growth. Journey Through the Dreamscape inspires listeners to embrace their intuition and the mysteries of the subconscious. Check out the latest episodes and dive into the dream world with Angelina Young on Journey Through the Dreamscape. 

Our Galaxy Publishing is an educational and service-based platform that helps writers navigate the publishing industry with clarity, confidence, and creative control. Whether you’re self-publishing, seeking a literary agent, or still figuring out W T F you’re doing, we provide the tools, resources, and support to make your writing and publishing journey intentional, strategic, and powerful.


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